GATE Paper structure

Most of us have heard statements frequently like”This year GATE  paper was tougher/easier than any previous particular year”. What do they actually mean by saying this?
Well actually papers of GATE maintains some special structure/class of problems as follows:

Class_A : Which contains easier , theory based problems which can be marked instantly or numerical problems (which can be solved within 40 to 60 seconds ).

Class_B : This class contains some standard cum average technical problems which is meant to test mental ability of candidates. Problems from this class normally consume 60 to 120 seconds..although its generic and may vary in particular.

Class_C : This class contains real metal of GATE. This part is normally contained with problems which if tried to be solved would probably take at least 10-15 minutes , at the best of some well prepared candidate….or normally these would seem insolvable in the standard duration of Paper.

Now we are able to get the real definition of tough, medium  and easy paper . So here it goes:

EASY PAPER : This kind of Paper contains following configuration of questions in it.

Class_A :  60%
Class_B :  30%
Class_C :  10%

AVERAGE PAPER : This kind of Paper contains following configuration of questions in it.

Class_A :  50%
Class_B :  30%
Class_C :  20%

TOUGH PAPER : This kind of Paper contains following configuration of questions in it.

Class_A :  40%
Class_B :  30%
Class_C :  30%

As we can see, the toughest class of GATE paper contains only 30% really tough questions…It means even an average guy can also score at least 70% of the paper correct.

Here comes the reaction from your side : “Are you kidding? If that were the truth,then why most of candidates could not even clear the cutoff ?  ”

Yes it is true that most of the aspirants couldn’t even secure a 3 or  4 digit rank. But what is the reason behind that.Well, here it is.

The Two Problems:

Problem 1.  Any candidate while writing paper in exam hall feels quite nervous . It is the feeling which transfers the control of his brain to his subconscious mind, and this prevents the candidate from applying his natural talent. In this situation only those candidates who have very clear fundamentals of subjects find themselves able to secure a satisfiable score.

Problem 2. Apart from this technicality there is a very common tendency in candidates.They do not try to differentiate between solvable and non-solvable problems before attempting a question. Instead , they simply attack on paper and try each question.  But one thing to be noted down is that “Not all questions are meant to be solved in GATE “.
Instead GATE exam tests the candidates under this criteria ->
” Do you have a common understanding of solvable and non-solvable problems ? Can you select a set of problems  for you which you can solve with all your best?

Note: The definition of solvable and non-solvable problems may vary as per understanding of individuals .


How to Overcome with these problems?

Solution 1:  Do not try to read whole subject at once. Instead study each topic/subtopic with enough time and imagination. Do some small research over it. That is how you can command your subconscious mind ,indirectly telling it to map each topic inside memory well. This would in turn help you while you are writing GATE or any other exam even under pressure.

Solution 2 : After you have enough achieved understanding of subjects it would not be a tough job for you to differentiate between solvable and non-solvable problems for you.Do not stuck on a tough problem, look around, you might get some very easy problems than this one.Remember , You are not supposed to fight against GATE, instead you have to utilize it well enough for achieving the goal of your life.

Following these strategies you can become quite confident and may appear in exam with less pressure which could surely enable you to apply your actual knowledge.

It is not only a competition of knowledge , it needs some common sense  too


There are some of my handouts which I had prepared during my preparation of GATE when I used to go ZEAL Indore.
Notes of Computer Organization could not be made available ……… I lost ’em..(yes , the universal excuse)

Well, try with these handouts . I hope these would be helpful to you.






Computer Networks




Operating System


GATE Rank v/s College

As we all know ,in 2014 cut off has been ,somehow, hiked  too much in almost all reputed institutions,its being really a tough time for candidates to get a college they deserve. Most of them even do not know where to apply with their present GATE  AIR. I tried to analyze some figures of IISC/IITs/Other institutions , to which one can apply as per one’s rank.

(All ranges are approximate and based on analysis of other similar statistics. Variations are possible.)

AIR 1 – 50 (up to)–> IISc Bangalore ME(CS) direct offer

AIR 1-150(up to) –> Direct offers from IITB , IITK, IITD , IITM

AIR 80 –  400 (up to) –> All  7 IITs ( Some organize Interviews/written tests for selection), Mtech at IISc

AIR 150-600
–>  New IITs, MS at IISc/IITs, RA in IITB
–> NIT (Warangal,Trichy,Surathkal)

AIR 450-2000
–> NIT( Calicut,Allahabad), NITIE , Jadavpur university
–>DTU, DIAT , NSIT Delhi
–> IIIT (Bangalore,Delhi,Allahabad)
–> VJTI,COEP,Other NITs(Nagpur,Surat …),PES,DA-IICT

AIR 2000-5000
–> Anna uni
–> ISM
–> CET Kerala
–> UoH(HCU)
–> Aligrah muslim university
–> Thapar university
–> Jamia Millia
–> Tejpur university

AIR 4000-15000
–> Other state level government colleges

AIR 10000 +
– State level leading private engineering PG colleges
– VIT velloor,Other Deemed universities


Do’s and Dont’s

Some of important tips every GATE aspirant must follow are listed here:

The Do’s:

1. Always be aware of what are you doing. Seems funny, but it means a lot who really does not have time to waste. Each second matters.

2. Develop a schedule for your whole day and try to follow it effectively.

3. Keep your room/table of study clean and well managed. Chaos is not good. Seating should be comfortable. The quiet environment is considered as the most suitable place to study.

4. If you are going to some coaching class, review class notes immediately (or in the same day) after coming home .

5. Try to visualize every concept. It means imagine that topic as being materialized in real life. It will help a lot.

6. Try to understand hard topics first. It will make you feel more confident.

7. Maths is the subject which finds its applications in almost all other subjects in CS. So try to run it parallel with currently running subject. It needs much practice.

8. Your first target must be to cover all topics fundamental to that subject before moving to some extras.

9. Do include some fruit in your meals. A fruit after lunch will be good.

10. Last but not the least. Do include  meditation in your daily routine. It will really sharpen your thinking abilities.


The Dont’s

1.Never panic. It will only amplify your problems. Try to solve all problems, either in subject or in real life, with some intelligence.

2. Never hesitate to ask doubts. Its the most effective way to improve your own knowledge.

3. Never try to read a complete book. Its not a sensible practice. Try to stick to the syllabus of GATE. If you feel confident enough in all topics then only you may look outward.

4. Do not extend a session of study more than 3 hours. And in each session at least 20 minutes are to be provided as gap.

5. Do not get alcoholic ever in any way. It wont  be helping you to improve your efficiency. It just stops some nerves from functioning properly for a while. Its not good,,really.

6. Do not get affected/dominated by others. You might have some of your friends who could be so called “cool dudes”..who are quite courageous . Or You might have a company of very studious people who try to demoralize you instead of getting your morals up. Both of these kind of friends are harmful for your aim. Maintain some distance for your sake only.

7. Do not try to attempt all questions while you appear in any test. Tests like GATE are not meant to be attempted completely. Try to solve and mark those questions which you really can.

8. Do not get a habit of guessing answers . It is very dangerous activity.

9. While a test from your test series is going on,either in home or in their centers, never try to cheat. Its like you are cheating yourself.

10. Do not leave a single test. Every test is important.


State of Mind

??????????????????While you are preparing for GATE each and every day matters. You need to utilize every hour.
Studies at home, coaching classes, test series, group studies and many more, there are many ways to study.
While preparation goes on, there may be many occasions when you loose your faith in yourself. The feeling , “I can not make it” , tries to dominate your whole day and weakens your concentration while studying. This in turn affects your efficiency of effective study.
This may extend over a week too sometimes. When you face result of some short term test , which could not match your expectations , you may fall in deep depression of hollowness.
The person studying at home suffers most from this problem .
There may be situations when you might feel that you have chosen the wrong stream and perhaps some other branch would have been better for you and  your future .

If not all then some of these feelings wave up inside every candidate preparing for GATE (or any other exam..).

Most of the candidates do not even recognize this problem and appear in exam with this feeling . The person with this mindset appearing in exam can not convert his/her natural intelligence into some good score…since score is all which matters.

What is the solution then??

Well there is a proverb…”Where there is will , there is a way”…
and in this case “the way” lies beneath yourself only.

Since you are facing this problem either  because you could not meet with your expectations or because you are not able to grasp concepts well enough and hence loosing your faith in you , you need to have some experiments with you.

Try following approaches :

1. First read theory portion completely. If you are not able to understand its meaning in first attempt, go for second ,third or even fourth attempt. Try to visualize the whole concept as an object in real life,this will map it to your brain for ever.  If even then you are not feeling comfortable with that topic , do not hesitate to look for some friend’s/expert’s help.  Leaving the topic is not going to help and actually it will start an avalanche of topics which you will be leaving in further readings.
When you have got the problematic topic cleared you might feel that this topic troubled you because you have not seen every aspect of that particular topic. So read thoroughly. This may take time, but go through this way for better results.

2. After having most of the major topics cleared practice problems  as much as you can . The more you will solve different types of problems the more you will get the visualization of that topic. Whenever you get trapped in some problem follow some scientific approach instead of brute-force attempts.The scientific approach may involve steps like , first understand what is provided, and what is to be found out. Second try to observe what is causing problem to you ,the root of the problem may be either the misinterpretation of problem statement , the lack of knowledge of that topic ,calculation mistake or anything else. In this generic way you will be able to solve any problem..even quite complicated problems too.

3. Feel the energy coming into you . Following the above two simple steps will enable you to feel happier,stronger. Do not let this feeling drain out . Keep reading, keep practicing , these are the only fuel for  these feelings.

There is a lot of pain in this world. Not a single person is completely happy , nor a single person is completely sad.

Even a completely paralyzed person can feel the strength within him ,which let  him fight for his life.

We all are always grabbed with the blessings of our parents,our siblings , even of strangers sometimes. Why to let all these energies be wasted in such negative feelings. We all are completely empowered with all necessary assets . We are supposed to use them all to their extreme.

Break all your virtual limits made by yourself and become the owner of unlimited energy hidden within you.
Once you have realized the extensions of all your limits , you will come to know the fact that there is no limit.

Confusion, tension, weakness all these are simply states of mind. If you try regularly to control your mind,by simply asking yourself a question on each situation of confusion, “What should be the right path to move on for this moment?” and have enough guts to really move on that path with complete confidence ,you will be able to smile even in the worst situations of your life.

I hope you all may feel the positivity spread around us all the time.

God bless you.